FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is used to transfer documents or software of a site to your account of Internet or to your floppy disk. Several companies and universities have sites FTP
to allow to their clientele to take the most recent versions of their software, their documentations or the " patchs " of their applications. Another advantage is for the designer of Web pages who should "publish". With FTP, he can transfer his pages, his images and the other documents in a public directory. In this way, every person connected to the Internet can then see the additions or the modifications that were brought

. From the university, you can use two software FTP: the one from your account Merlin and the other one in the laboratories of the sciences of the management. Let's begin with that of your account Merlin.

The fourth option of the menu of your account Merlin gives you access to the software first one FTP. You can connect to a server FTP to look for any sorts of files. It's however necessary to know the address of the server. To have a list of the servers available FTP, you can make a query on one of the research sites by using the terms FTP servers. The exercise that follows consists in connecting to a server FTP to fetch a document. If you have difficulties with this exercise, you can always write the command " bye " followed by the Enter key to leave the FTP software.
List of commands

Before we begin, here is a list of the large orders of the software FTP. The help command will show you a complete list of the instructions. You can then write help followed by the name of the command that interests you to have a brief description.
Open nom_du_serveur     Open a session with a server FTP.
Closed     Close a session with a server FTP.
Dir     See the contents of the directory
Cd nom_du_rĂ©pertoire     Pass in another directory.
Cd.. (No to forget the space enters cd and..)     Return to the previous directory.
Get nom_du_fichier     Take a file of the server FTP.
Was able to nom_du_fichier     Place a file on the server FTP.
Bye or quit     Leave the FTP application

Example of session.

The computer will ask you for your account number and for your password. If it's about a server FTP to that you have no account, write " anonymous " in the login and your address of E-mail in the password. Because you have no account on this site, your access and your possibilities are limited. But it's still possible to fetch important documents. The persons having no account are generally limited to the public directory (advertisement) of the site.

The example that follows results from the contents of my account on the Merlin server.

Ftp > open nom_du_serveur

Ftp > dir
200 PORT(BEARING) command successful.
150 ASCII dated connection for / bin / ls (,22222) (bytes 0).
Total 10
------rw-     1     Xw999998     Internet     0     Frog 24 1995     Calendar
-rwxrwxrwx     1     Xw999998     Internet     254     Nov 13 1996     Confirm.txt
-rwxrwxrwx     1     Xw999998     Internet     0     In May, 26 22:06     Dead.letter
Drwxrwxrwx     1     Xw999998     Mail     On 1024     In June, 21 06:39     Mail
Drwx-     2     Xw999998     Root     512     Nov 15 1996     Mail
Drwxr-xr-x     2     Xw999998     Internet     512     Frog 24 1995     New
Drwxr-xr-x     2     Xw999998     Internet     512     In May, 29 15:36     Transfer

226 ASCII Transfer complete.
460 bytes received in 0.058 second ( 7.8 Kbytes / @ )
Ftp >

Let's explain now what is shown above. At the end of every line, there is a name of the file or the directory. The first ten characters that you see to the left of every line demonstrate that type of file and the rights of this one.

The first character shows if it's about a file (-) or of a directory ( d ). A directory is the equivalent of a shirt or a file that can contain the other files or the other directories. Directories are useful to group together files in the same category. In that case, the mail directory contains all my messages of E-mail. The directory transfer contains Web pages and images that I want to transfer to my site of the World Wide Web.

The next three characters explain the rights for the holder of the account, in that case myself. The three fellow men, explain the rights for a group and the three last ones rights for the persons coming from the outside, such as an anonymous person. The character " r " means that the person has the right to see the contents of the directory ( read ). The character " w " means that the person has the right to protect, to modify and to delete the file ( write ). The character " x " means that the person has the right to execute the file if this one is an UNIX program.
Transfer files as guest

The exercise consists in looking for a file on a server allowing persons having no account on the server. They allow to connect as nobody "unknown person". Not really because you should enter your address of E-mail the demand for the password. The rights of access to the server are limited. You have only generally access to the directory "advertisement" that contains documents and available programs for all.

*Select the fourth option of the menu ( FTP).
*Enter the following command: open oak.oakland.edu followed by the Enter key.
*In the login, enter: anonymous followed by the Enter key.
*In the password, enter your address of E-mail followed by the Enter key.

You are now connected to the server.

*Enter the command dir followed by the Enter key.

The list of files and the available directories will appear, including the directory advertisement. To see the contents of the directory, it's first necessary to enter this one.

*Enter the command cd advertisement follow-up of the Enter key. don't forget to put a space enters cd and advertisement.

You are now in the directory advertisement. To pass in a sub-directory, write the command cd and the name of the directory. To return to the previous directory, enter the command cd to see the contents of the directory, enter the command dir. You can leave any time by entering the quit command or bye. To look for a file and put it in your account axe, use the command get followed by the name exact of the file.

*Close the FTP application by entering the command bye and to press the Enter key.

Ftp > bye
221 Goodbye.

This example was with a server allowing the access limited to the public. There are the other servers whose account and a password you should have to reach it. The file asked with the command get is copied in your account Merlin.

To delete the file of your account

*From the menu main clause of Merlin, select the option 9 (shell Unix).
*Enter the command ls to see the contents of your account.

To erase a file in particuler, use the command rm followed by the name of this file.
Be careful!

Pay attention only to erase the files that you transferred. The other files are necessary for the good functioning of your account Merlin. In case of doubt, don't erase the file.

To transfer this file on a floppy disk, the next section shows to make it how with another software FTP that works under Windows.
Transfer file to and from your floppy disk with WS_FTP

There are occasions or you'll want to place documents on your account Merlin or, on the contrary, to look for documents of your account and to put them on floppy disks. You took files, documents or " patchs " of a site FTP and you want to transfer them to a floppy disk. Or, you protected a message or a file in your account Merlin and you want to transfer it to a floppy disk. You can also transfer files of your floppy disk to your account Merlin. It's advantageous when you want "to attach("fasten,"paste") a document to a message of E-mail (e-mail). You can as well transfer Web pages and images as you prepared "to post(show") them in a public directory. It's easier to carry out this transfer of files by using the Windows program ws_ftp that is explained below.

In the computer lab, from the button Start, select the option Internet and the icon FTPWin or WS_FTP program,

 If you have a computer at the house and an Internet connection, you can look for this software on one of the sites of partagiciels. don't forget to encourage the programmers of partagiciels by paying expenses for the programs that you find useful.

To connect to a server FTP, is needed three data: the name of the server, your account number and your password. If you want to connect to a server whose no account you have, select the option Anonymous Login. If you want to connect to a server that you connsaissez, you need this three data. If you have not them, to contact a technician or a representative who can help you.

We take for the example that you with the account ab123456 on the server merlin.si.uqam.ca and that you know your password: the three data that you need. By with the necessary data, you can connect to any server. Let's continue have the example.

As soon as this window appears, enter the following data:

*In the option Host Name, write merlin.si.uqam.ca (for those that have an account on the server Nobel, it's nobel.si.uqam.ca)
*In the option User ID , write your account number Merlin. (Ex: ab123456)
*In the option Password, write your password.
*Then press the OK button.

The window is separated in two parts. Of the left-hand side, you have the resources of your computer. Of highly-rated right of the window, you have the resources of your account Merlin. To pass your files of a reader of the computer in your account Merlin or vice versa, follow the following instructions.

If you want to transfer files of your floppy disk to your account or to transfer of your account to a floppy disk, make sure to have chosen the reader A: in the left part of the window. If you have no reader A: in the first box of the upper left corner of the window:

*Click on the arfile pointing downward the box.
*Use the superior arrows and subordinates until you see in the list the reader A:.
*Click on the reader A:.
*Move everything at the foot of the list of the files of the left box. There is a list of the available readers.
*Summits a double-click on the reader A: ([-a-]).

Here is the rest of the procedure of the transfer.

*Select the files that you want to copy by selecting them with the mouse. If there are several files to be copied, keep your finger on the key Ctrl and select each of them. Or you can use the Shift key to select a block of files.
*Press then on the button Undisplayed Graphicin the middle of the window to transfer the files of the computer to your account Merlin.
*Press then on the button Undisplayed Graphicin the middle of the window to transfer the files of your account Merlin to the computer.

The program will open a window showing the progress of the transfer. Once the completed transfer, leave the FTPWin application by pressing on the button Exit located in the lower right corner of the window.

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