E-mail under the Merlin server

The E-mail allows you to communicate with the other persons on the Internet. You can leave them messages and them the another message can afterward return you.
It's much faster than the surface mail. This last one is called in the jargon " snail mail " because of its extreme slowness. Your message takes only a moment to go to the addressee. There are really no costs for the communication, except that of your access to an access provider in the Internet. For the students of the university of Quebec in Montreal ( UQÀM), you have access to the E-mail as soon as you have an account on the servers Merlin ( 1-st cycle) or Nobel ( 2-nd and 3-rd cycle)

As soon as you have an account, you have also an address of E-mail. It's the equivalent of a mailing address or a phone number. It consists of your followed account number of " @er.quam.ca ". So, if your account number is ab123456, your address of E-mail is ab123456@er.uqam.ca.

The address of E-mail parts in two parts. The first part, that before him(it,her) "", identifies the person or the account. The second part, the one that is after it "", identifies the name of the server or the supplier of the service of E-mail. Very often, both last characters of the address of E-mail identify the country of origin of the user of the address. In that case, the " ca " indicates that the country of origin is Canada. You can find on the Internet of Web pages or files that have the complete list of the countries and of the both characters that represent this country. There are several pages, Web containing a list of the abbreviations of countries. In here is one: http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/websoft/wwwstat/country-codes.txt.

Many persons mix the address of E-mail with that of the pages of the World Wide Web. It's about two different services. Each has the system of addressing. There is always one "" in the address of E-mail. The addresses of Web pages always begin by " http://".

Basic screen and explanations.

The screen of the main menu parts in two parts. The top is the place where are listed the messages of E-mail that you received. At the bottom of the screen, there is a list of the instructions that you can use.
List of instructions.

Here is the list of the most important instructions that you can use.

Cursor downward Pass in the message following by the list.
Cursor upward Pass in the previous message of the list.
M Send a message to somebody.
R Send a retort to a successful message.
F Send a message received to another addressee.
C Change shirt to see archived messages.

Protect a message in your account.
D Delete a message of the list.
U Keep(preserve) an erased message.
Q Leave the software of E-mail.

Send a message

*Once in the program of E-mail, press the key " m " to begin your message of E-mail.
*In the message " To: " enter the address of E-mail of the person to whom you want to send a message. Ex: ab123456@er.uqam.ca

*If need be, in the message " Copies to: " enter the address of E-mail of the other persons to whom you want, send the same message. The software will send a "certified true copy" of the message to all the persons whom you put in the list.

Put a comma between the addresses of the various addresses. If there is nobody of other one than the addressee already written in the message " To: ", press the Enter key.

*In the message " subject: ", write some words that describe your message.
Ex: " Need of help on subject X " or " The figures for that you had asked me ".

If you don't put subject, the program will ask you if you want to cancel the creation of a message. answer by the key " y " or " n " as the case may be.

The screen changes and you can then write your message.

*Once finished, or to leave the editorial staff of a message, press the keys " Ctrl " and " x " to end the editorial staff of the message.

The program will offer you four options:
" H " ( Header) to change the options such as e-mail address and subject,
" E " (Edit) to continue to write your message,
" F " ( Forget) to cancel the message and return to the main menu and
" S " ( Send) to send your message to the addressee.

*Press the letter that corresponds to your needs.

The program writes the massage " mail smells " in the center of the last line of the screen to confirm sends it of the message.
Send a reply to a message

You received a message to that you want to return a message. You can send to this person another message. This implies that you should rewrite its address of E-mail and the subject of the message. You can so simply send a retort. In this retort, you can also include the original message. Here is the procedure to be followed to send a retort.

*If you are not reading the message, place the cursor on the message to that you want to send a retort.
*Press the " r " key.

The software will ask you if you want to include the original message in your retort. It's interesting to have the message completely or only a part. But this is not compulsory. It's easier to follow the conversation in this way. It's in your choice. If you answer yes, all the message will be added to your answer. To make the difference between your text and the original message, the software will add the sign ">" in front of all the lines of the original message.

If you want it, you can insert lines of text between the lines of the original message. It's necessary to place the cursor at the beginning of the line and to press the Enter key. To delete lines of the message, it's necessary to press the keys Ctrl and " k ". Having edited the original and added message your own comments, it remains only to press the keys CTRL and " x " followed by the key " s " to send the retort to his addressee.
Return of messages

It's certainly going to arrive at you one moment or one of your messages will have returned to you. It's the administrator of E-mail, " mailer daemon ", the automatic post-office employee if you prefer, that will return you the massage. There are generally three reasons so that a message does not go to the addressee.

The first is that the server of the addressee is temporarily overloaded. It's possible as well that the server is stopped temporarily for the preventive maintenance. The administrator warns you that he will try to broadcast the message later. There is in that case no action to be taken. The message did not go thru at once.

For the second possibility, and the major reason why a message does not go to it's addressee, the administrator indicates to you in the subject of the message " Host Unknown ". The reason is that you did not write correctly the address of E-mail. The message does not go because of an error of spelling or inattention. It arrives at everybody! send back the message. Do not forget to put points in the right places and not to put commas or spaces in the address.

The last reason, that is rather rare, is that the address of E-mail does not exist any more. The person did not use the box of E-mail or changed access provider in the Internet. So, it's not possible any more to join it at the address that you had. It's always possible to try to find its new address by looking for site of searches for addresses of E-mail such as Bigfoot, Switchboard, WhoWhere, and Four11. The list of research sites is on the reference page of sites.
Foward a message
It happens that a message that you received would be better served by another person who has too an address of E-mail. It's a question of re-steering the message to another person.

*If you are not reading the message, place the cursor on the message in that you want to re-steer the message to another person.
*From the main menu, press the key " f ".

The software will ask you for the address of the person whom this message should be redirigé. The message will appear to the screen. You can add some comments better to make understand to the addressee the situation of the original message.

*Once finished, press the keys " Ctrl " and " x " followed by the key " s " to end the editorial staff of the message.
Find sent messages

It often happens not to find any more the messages that were in your box the last time when you opened the software of E-mail. Even if it's about new messages that you had no time to read. In the lock of the software, all the messages are archived. It's necessary to change "shirt" to go to see the contents of the archived massages.

*From the main menu of the software, press the letter " c "
*In the message " Name of new folder: ", write " mbox " and press the Enter key.
*In the message " Name of new folder: ", write "<" and press the Enter key.

All your archived messages are going to appear.

So, this software of E-mail keeps a copy of all the messages that you sent. You can need by moments to broadcast a message to an addressee. It's possible that it's erased accidentally or that there was a problem of transmission. It's so easier to broadcast the message than to rewrite it. So, it can serve as reference later. One can use it to follow the evolution of a project or a situation.

To see the list of the messages that you sent.

*From the main menu of the software, press the letter " c "
*In the message " Name of new folder: ", write ">" and press the Enter key.
Delete a message

To have a box of E-mail implies as well that it's necessary to be capable of managing it. This also wants to say to be capable of deleting the messages that have no more utility for the user; that it's from the new, messages, the archived messages or the copies of sent messages. It's not necessary to let its box of E-mail fill the; especially on the Merlin server where the space that is reserved(distant) to you is limited. A box of E-mail filled even more quickly if you receive messages with "affections" or accompanying documents in French.

If your account is full, the software of E-mail will refuse to erase some messages. It will be can be necessary to erase all the messages to be able to make your box of E-mail correctly; even the messages that you would have liked saving. To avoid this situation, delete the useless documents in your account. Be careful! If you are not certain of a file, don't erase it. He can be necessary for the good functioning of your account. The freed space can be uses then to allow you to erase messages too.

If after this operation the software refuses to erase you some messages, try to erase messages having "affections" or accompanying documents. Otherwise, you'll have no choice to erase all the messages of your account to settle(adjust) the situation.

To erase a message of the list:

*Place the cursor on the message that you want to erase.
*Press the key " d ".

The message is only erased in a permanent way when you leave the program. In case of error:

*Place the cursor on the message above the message to be got back.
*Press the " u " key to get back an erased message.

You should make it before leaving the program. Otherwise, the message is lost for ever. There is however a problem with this technique. You can not put the cursor over the first message of the list to try to get back it. pay attention at the time of erasing the first message. To be able to get back an erased message, he should always have a message above that you want to save.
Save a message

The software allows you to protect a message that you received and to save it in your account. Later, with the software FTP of Windows, you can transfer it to a floppy disk.

*If you are not reading the message, place the cursor on the message in that you want to protect the message.
*From the main menu, press the key " s ".

The software will ask you to give a name to the message that you want to protect.

*Write the name that you want to give it and press the Enter key.

The message will be kept in your account Merlin. You can then use a software customer FTP to copy the message to a floppy disk. The procedure to be followed to copy the message is on the page FTP of this site.
Protect the attached documents.

Besides sending messages, it's possible " to paste " documents to this message. Regrettably, the Elm software that you use is not capable of this option. It's however capable of protecting attached documents that you receive in your account. You can then, with the FTP of Windows, transfer this document to a floppy disk.

After the reading of the message, the program warns you that there is an attached document and offers you these three options.

1-See it have text
2-Write it to has row
3-Just skip it

*Press the 2 key to save the document in your account.

The software will ask you for a name for the document that you want to protect. There is generally a name that is offered. Otherwise, you should have to supply with it one.

*When you gave a name to the document, press the Enter key.

The document will be protected in your account. To use this document, you should use a software customer FTP to transfer the document of your account to a floppy disk. The procedure to be followed is on the page FTP of this site.

Pay attention to E-mail in the workplace !

In the United States, the employer is obliged by the law to save all the documents of the company. This includes also the E-mail messages of their employees. Therefore, all the messages sent from the office becomes the property of the company. By revising the contents of these messages, the administrators of certain companies got some surprises. There were some messages of employees trying to seduce other employees. There were also more compromising messages for the company. Such as a message to destroy a report because it could be used in a litigation against the company. The message receives a reply that indicates that the document in question was destroyed.

I don't know rules concerning Canada or any other country. I imagine that about the same. If somebody has more data about the subject, I would be satisfied to add it to this page. This is simply to warn you to pay close attention to what you write in your E-mail messages. It's not as anonymous as you might think !

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